Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I was confused as to what my first post would be. So i decided on sharing this. This a drawing by me which i have titled as, 'Confuzzled'. As this is how i feel sometimes when strangers start conversations with me, babbling on in french until they see my face transfigure into a little squished up mess. Then they gorgeously attempt to speak English and talk about James Bond and sharks, because to the french who are unaware, sharks somehow represent Australia. And James Bond must represent the British language. Hmmm...


  1. Sounds awesome to me! I'm jealous.

  2. this is exactly what I felt when I've been in aus first time, you know, and I was lucky to meet you, and I do remember our first talking about Elliott smith -
    I guess you are the first aus friend :)
    anyway like your drawing, happy blogging -
    / and I'm jealous as well !

  3. Hi Jen!!
    I'm a new reader from Danielle at Sometimes Sweet and love all things French...
    look forward to reading more about your experiences!! :)
