Most bloggers go through a lull in posting new material, the non internet life can very demanding. I like to see this as a good thing as it brings us new material. For me well, I've been test packing my suitcase for another journey. I was sorting through all the things I have collected in the past 20 months. Two books caught my eye. The first is the forever awesome Dr. Seuss, 'Oh the places, you'll go'. This book was given as a gift by my travelling Canadian friend. It has a beautiful yet very important message about how to handle our adventures in life.
The other book was found in the in the shop within the fine arts museum of Nantes.
'Marcel Le Reveur'( Marcel the dreamer) By Anthony Browne. I was taken by the the cultural links in every dream sequence. The once again simple but great message is, dream big use your imagination because that's how all the greatest artist have become who they are today. I'm also a big fan of Anthony Brownes illustrations.
'Oh The Places You'll Go' is my favourite book. I always read it to my students on the last day of school :)